FAQ - How do I know if I can trust that Maureen is truly channelling or if these Guides are safe?
I learned long ago to give up on the idea of proving that I am legitimately channelling. There really is no way to prove it, other than I suppose for you to read or listen to the information, and the way I convey it (through an Integrated Channelling style) and decide whether the information that is imparted is helpful to you or not, and whether it seems to come from a level of Truth or not.
Thus, allow this to be your guide:
I am only interested in channelling frequencies or guides that are truly of Source, and have our highest good in mind. I am only open to guides who can honor our boundaries and not ‘do’ anything to us unless we ask their permission and fully understand what they mean to do; those who are truly here to make our lives better. My boundaries are firm, and I have worked with channelling for almost a decade now. I understand that the idea of being in connection with ‘something out there’ can be scary. I think being cynical and having boundaries is healthy. I think that this is much better than being so naïve and trusting, that you just ‘take my word for it’ that these guides are safe.
Instead, I would suggest that you hold up your own boundaries of what you want to experience: if you are further down the spiritual path and have had interaction with guides or channelling before, then you already have some discernment patterns in place as to what feels safe or not, based on your past experiences. So for you, you’ll be more open more quickly to getting a sense of my Guides and frequencies that come in, and whether they serve you, by reading and listening to the material, or ‘tuning in’ to them energetically.